You can feel confident that our decades of practice knowledge will put you on the right path to a better quality of life. We are tireless in getting to the true root of your ailments.
Our toolbox runs deep. Our approach is human first. Discovering your best comprehensive healthcare solution is our passion.
Offering support to women through all phases of change. Addressing menopause, irregular periods, PMS, hormone imbalance, HPV, fertility, preconception support, postpartum recovery and more.
Our care is comprehensive and accounts for all of your unique individual needs, conditions, and circumstances you encounter along the way.
The body has an innate intelligence to heal itself. Sometimes it just needs a little guidance along the way to find the right constitutional balance.
Committed to guiding patients using all resources and partners available to identify the individualized targeted treatment plan for your cancer care needs.

The Hill Park Natural Pharmacy is our on-site local practitioner, patient and community product resource developed by doctors with a combined 50 years experience in researching, selecting, and prescribing supplements and neutraceuticals.

Sebastopol, CA
Sonoma, CA
Sebastopol, CA
Grass Valley, CA
Sonoma, CA
Sebastopol, CA
Mill Valley, CA
Fairfax, CA
Sebastopol, CA


Dr. Denise Cooluris, ND
Sonoma Magazine Top Doctors of Sonoma County
Dr. Denise Cooluris, ND
Sonoma County's Best Family Practitioner
Dr. Lois Johnson, MD
Sonoma County's Best Internal Medicine
Hill Park Integrative Medical Center
Sonoma County's Best Healthcare Clinic
Dr. Denise Cooluris, ND
Sonoma County's Best Family Practitioner
Jennifer Monin at Hill Park Integrative Medical Center
Sonoma County's Best Accupuncturist