

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

It is with great excitement that we share our news of collaboration with Temenos to provide Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) services at our center in Sebastopol! The Temenos owner, Dr. Jessica McIninch, Psy.D., will begin to offer her services at our center this month, with additional Temenos team members joining her in the near future.

Our physicians have been referring patients to Temenos for several years and tracking amazing, and often profound, life-changing outcomes with excellent patient feedback.

One reason why we see such uniquely successful outcomes with Temenos is their commitment to the process of psychotherapy that is provided before, during, and following ketamine sessions, which research has shown to maximize and prolong benefits compared to other approaches.

Our collaboration brings this dynamic therapy into our clinical setting with a unique offering of targeted nutrient IV therapy to support the effects of the ketamine sessions and optimize the clinical response.

Dr. McIninch was selected by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) to provide MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for individuals suffering from severe PTSD via the Expanded Access program in Washington DC last year. As one of 20 clinicians in the world selected for this program, she is excited to bring this treatment to Hill Park in Sebastopol once it becomes approved by the FDA.

We are thrilled to offer this innovative and unique collaboration of integrative psychology to our patients. Our hope is that the collaboration of the psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that Temenos offers and the Hill Park approach to IV nutrient therapy will have a transformative, corrective, and deeply impactful therapy for our community.

Dr. McIninch offers a complimentary 20 minute consult to learn about KAP and if this is the right direction for you.

Please contact Temenos directly to schedule a consult:

[email protected]


What is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) uses low and moderate-dose ketamine to enhance and deepen psychotherapy. While ketamine alone can often have an immediate antidepressant effect, studies and our clinical experience reflect that ketamine is most effective when paired with psychotherapy.

Ketamine can oftentimes provide rapid relief for people suffering from treatment-resistant depression or suicidal ideation. While the antidepressant effects tend to be temporary, multiple treatments, especially those in conjunction with psychotherapy, have proven to successfully reduce or eliminate symptoms in individuals with depression, anxiety, developmental trauma, PTSD, OCD and other psychological concerns. Ketamine is used off-label to address the aforementioned disorders, as well as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and addiction.

Another characteristic of ketamine is that it creates novel states of mind which facilitate psychotherapy in general. Ketamine at low doses creates enhanced awareness of underlying psychodynamics, habitual mental states, and unconscious coping strategies. Familiarity with ketamine states can teach resilience, openness, and equanimity.

Ketamine as a Psychedelic Medicine

In moderate doses, ketamine can have psychedelic effects, which have been shown to facilitate profound transpersonal experiences. A ketamine medicine session facilitates working with a non-ordinary state of consciousness and may facilitate transcendental or mystical experiences. These kinds of experiences often expand one’s sense of self and shift one’s understanding of existence. Ketamine may also enable individuals to access their own inner healing intelligence in a manner that is invaluable in terms of guiding one’s thoughts and behaviors.

KAP for Cancer Support

Ketamine has emerged with great promise in addressing the unique concerns of people in every stage of the cancer path. KAP has been found to alleviate depression, anxiety, and mental anguish often experienced by oncology patients, and also uniquely works as a catalyst to heal the wide ranges of experiences in cancer patients – existential distress, diagnosis and treatment oriented PTSD, depersonalization of the medical process of treatment, self- identity and recovery of yourself and your reentry forward.

This intervention combined with psychotherapy can be profound for patients in every stage of cancer, in addition to helping patients navigate complicated, chronic, end of life circumstances.

Psychedelic assisted therapy can yield results in a very brief period, as well as have a profound shift in the emotional distress through the continuum of the medical and personal experience.

How does nutrient therapy support psychedelic assisted psychotherapy?

Our medical director, Dr. Denise Cooluris ND, has over 15 years of experience supporting the individual neurochemistry of patients in the process of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, mental health concerns, and medication weans using customized nutrient IV therapy.

As part of this path, Dr. Cooluris has developed specific formulas for the following:

    • Support and potentiate the ketamine effects on NMDA receptor activity
    • Replenish and optimize the key nutrients that make the neural pathways more responsive to therapy
    • Support ketamine recovery
    • Quickly restore and replenish neurotransmitter function

Jessica McIninch, Psy.D.

Dr. Jessica McIninch is a licensed clinical psychologist of 18 years that is certified in the practice of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy via the Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Jessica is the owner and psychological director of Temenos, a psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy center in Petaluma, California, where she has provided ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for the past 5 years. Continue reading…

How Do I Proceed with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy at Hill Park?

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Temenos directly via email or phone to determine eligibility for ketamine-assisted psychotherapy:

Schedule a complimentary 20 minute consult:

email [email protected]

call 707-992-5015

If it is agreed that KAP is a good option for you, then Jessica will guide you on how to complete a consultation and intake for KAP. And when warranted, nutrient IV sessions.